Collecting Practices at CCHS
Thank you for thinking of donating your historical items to the Carmel-Clay Historical Society! The following information will help you understand our donation process and what items we accept into our collection.
Mission: The Carmel Clay Historical Society encourages an appreciation for and understanding of the settlement, growth, and development of the city of Carmel and Clay Township, bringing historical relevance/ context and enrichment to the lives of its citizens and visitors.
What We Collect
- Potential donation items should…
- Be safe to handle.
- Have intrinsic value.
- Be lawful. We abide by the policies of UNESCO and NAGPRA.
- Have a clear connection to Carmel/Clay Township history, art, or culture.
- Be museum quality. Primary consideration is given to our ability to provide proper care and storage for artifacts.
How we Collect
The staff at CCHS reserve the right to make final decisions about any addition to the collection. Items will be properly cared for according to museum best practice for the benefit of the city of Carmel and Clay Township. The museum manages thousands of artifacts that are rotated in exhibits on a regular basis. Your donation may not be on display when you come to visit. Please know that this does not mean that your artifact is any less important to us or our mission.
The Donation Process
We cannot accept donations left at the depot or the archive due to space and safety concerns. We cannot accept donations mailed to us without prior contact regarding contents, due to these same reasons.
Step 1: Donor contacts CCHS staff about potential donation
Step 2: Donor brings items to CCHS and hands it off to staff member
Step 3: Staff member has potential donor sign Temporary Custody form
Step 4: CCHSStaff and board will review items for accession
Step 5: Decision made, and potential donor contacted
Step 6: Two Deed of Gift forms will be signed by donor and staff member. One will be kept by the owner, the other CCHS.
Step 7: Item becomes part of the collection of CCHS
*If CCHS decides not to accept your donation you will have 30 days to claim your items before they will be disposed of according to museum best practice.