McShane House

rancis McShane left his family in Kentucky and traveled to Indiana on horseback to find land to settle. He arrived in Clay Township and purchased land just south of where Orchard Park is today. He traveled back to Kentucky to get his wife, Theodocia, and their two small boys.

In December of 1825 the family traveled to Marion County, where Francis boarded his family while he went to their property to build a log cabin. He cut the logs and built the cabin by himself. He also clear cut the land and cultivated it himself as his kids were too young to help. For many years his only neighbor was a Native-American named George Ketchum.

In June of 1826 his daughter Sarah was born. She was the first pioneer child born in the township. The Indianapolis-Westfield Road was cut through the McShane property about 1835. It was an important road that connected communities north of Indianapolis to the capitol. Travelers heading to Indianapolis often stayed overnight in the McShane’s two-story log cabin. In 1886 James McShane built a large frame house. It is still standing today.

Francis McShane is buried in Farley cemetery.